In theaters 3-23-2003 The 75th Anniversary Academy Awards 2003 Oscar Preview
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The clean cuts contain celebrity sound bites followed by audio clips from the film.
Airs Sunday, March 23, 2003
The countdown is well underway for Hollywood's biggest night - the 75th Anniversary Academy Awards Show, directed by Louis J. Horvitz. Steve Martin returns for his second time to host this Diamond Anniversary and producer Gil Cates is promising us quite a night! The tradition of honoring the best movie achievements of the year started in 1927 when the screen was silent and Charlie Chaplin was the biggest star in the world. Bruce Davis, Executive Director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, says Oscar was designed by the legendary MGM art director Cedric Gibbons, and is probably the best known piece of twentieth century sculpture in the world. For Academy President Frank Pierson, the Oscar telecast represents seven decades of honoring excellence. Cheer on your favorites as Hollywood celebrates its biggest night, the 75th Anniversary Academy Awards on Sunday March 23rd.
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